The Trailhead has undergone a lot of change over the years with the support from many community partners and volunteers. In the Fall of 2021, FOLAR improved the trail and constructed the new river overlook at University Blvd Trailhead overlooking the fall line of the Appomattox – a Mary Morton Parson Foundation Challenge Grant success story. The native plant gardens were installed after construction with support from the Tri-Cities Environmental Endowment at John Randolph Foundation, Virginia Master Naturalists, and Capital Region Land Conservancy.
What plants are in the gardens? View this PDF of the Native Garden Plant Inventory.
Would you like to volunteer here? Email Elise Neuscheler, FOLAR Invasive Plants Educator & Volunteer Coordinator.
Learn more about riparian buffers and native plants and their impact on drinking water quality by visiting FOLAR’s conservation program page.