WHEN: As available
WHERE: University Blvd Trailhead
CONTACT: Elise Neuscheler, eneuscheler@folar-va.org
Free-a-Tree Program

Starting at the new river overlook on University Blvd, FOLAR is organizing and training volunteers to save trees and native plants and restore local ecosystems and riparian buffers that improve water quality. FOLAR’s new Invasive Plant Educator and Volunteer Coordinator, Elise Neuscheler, will be on-site to teach volunteers about best practices for managing invasive plants. Invasive species to be removed include wisteria, English ivy, privet, Japanese honeysuckle, and porcelain berry.
Bring your own gloves and tools, if you have them, and wear long pants and sturdy shoes, as volunteers will be working near the river around poison ivy. Water/snacks provided. We encourage you to bring your own reusable water container to reduce our reliance on plastics. Join us to help us free trees, protect our native plants and local wildlife, and restore riparian buffers!
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